Comprehensive Dental Care

Oral disease is the most common health problem for pets.

By the age of three, approximately 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have already developed periodontal disease. Left untreated, the infection can lead to tooth loss and bacteria from the mouth can spread through the bloodstream and cause kidney, liver, and heart problems. Oral disease is treatable regardless of the age of your pet and can be prevented by following a program of regular veterinary exams and a home dental care routine.

Routine dental care has become an integral part of the prevention of periodontal disease and tooth loss in our pets.

Dogs and cats both suffer from plaque and tartar build up which leads to gingivitis and periodontal disease. The periodontal disease is what causes tooth loss. We can prevent these from occurring in your pet with regular oral exams and cleanings as well as ongoing home care.

The best equipment and products available

We have invested in the best equipment and products available along with ongoing staff education and training to ensure your pet receives the safest and most effective procedure available.

A dental exam and cleaning involves the following:

  • Rinsing of the mouth completely with an antibacterial solution followed by a complete oral exam. In addition to looking at all the surfaces of the teeth this identifies any problems of the throat, pharynx, hard and soft palates, tongue, and gingival tissue.
  • Ultrasonic scaling of all tooth surfaces by highly trained and skilled veterinary nurses. We use iM3 ultrasonic scalers, which are the top of the line equipment. These are disinfected and maintained daily for the best result every time.
  • Polishing all surfaces of the teeth with a high speed polisher and fine prophy paste to smooth the tooth surface and help prevent rough areas where bacteria and plaque can attach.
  • Radiographs are taken as directed by the doctor. These allow us to identify fractures of teeth, abscessed roots, and periodontal disease that can cause your pet pain. We often find lesions during a routine dental exam and cleaning that we were unaware of before we had radiographs of the teeth. We can offer better treatment options for your pet with this capability. (Dental x-ray equipment is vital to providing the level of care your pet’s need)
  • Fluoride foam is applied to all teeth to help protect and strengthen the enamel.
  • A sealant is applied to slow attachment of bacteria and plaque to the tooth surfaces. This product (Oravet) can be applied at home on a weekly basis.
  • A final check of the mouth and teeth is done by the doctor.
Veterinary Dental X Ray
Dental Decay x ray

Gum Disease (gingivitis) & Extractions

Extractions are sometimes necessary to treat diseased teeth, resolve pain and infections in the mouth. These are only done after careful evaluation of the patient and radiographs of the teeth. Additional procedures, medications, and follow up care may be necessary when extractions are needed and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Once gum disease (gingivitis) has occurred a dental cleaning no longer becomes a preventative measure but is instead a treatment for a bacterial infection. The best time to have your pet’s teeth cleaned is before gums become red or inflamed. This will give your pet the best result and prevent gum and periodontal disease from occurring. If gum disease is present we are fighting an uphill battle to control this bacterial infection. If adequate home care cannot be instituted then it may take repeated cleanings in succession to stop the progression of this disease or teeth will eventually be lost.

Frisco Veterinary Surgery

Our Anesthetic Procedures

Another benefit of cleaning the teeth before gum disease is present is reducing your pet’s time under anesthesia. If we are able to examine your pet’s oral cavity and clean their teeth before there is significant dental disease it significantly reduces the time your pet is under anesthesia.

Routine procedures take approximately 40-50 minutes, if periodontal disease is present it can add 30 minutes or more to perform a thorough cleaning of all surfaces and below the gum line where pockets have formed around the teeth.

All of our anesthetic procedures are extremely safe due to the types of medications we use, the monitoring your pet receives and the placement of an IV catheter and fluid therapy. Fluid therapy keeps their blood pressure stable and reduces recovery time.

Home Dental Care

Home Care

It is best to brush just like we do, but effective home care can also consist of using appropriate products for chewing on a regular and ongoing basis. We can make a recommendation based on your pet s breed and stage of life

We also offer many home care products that help keep your pet’s teeth clean and breath smelling fresh. Products include toothbrushes, pet friendly toothpastes, antibacterial rinses, gels, and dental chews for cats and dogs. The only two types of treats recommended by the American Dental Society are CET rawhide chew strips and Greenies. You can find both of these products in our retail section. They are soft enough not to put your dog at risk for breaking a tooth, digestible and proven to be effective at reducing plaque and tartar build up.

Fees for a Dental Prophylaxis Include the Following:

  • Pre-surgical physical examination by a doctor
  • Pre-surgical medication injection of sedative and analgesic
  • IV (intravenous) catheter, IV fluids and monitoring
  • Injection of medication to induce general anesthesia
  • Endotracheal intubation with gas anesthesia (sevoflurane or isoflurane) and oxygen
  • Anesthetic monitoring by trained nursing staff
  • Electronic monitoring by pulse oximetry, EKG, heart rate and temperature
  • Ultrasonic and hand scaling
  • Polishing, fluoride, sealant application
  • Dental x-rays as needed and evaluation by a doctor
  • Hospitalization for one day
  • Discharge appointment with medical staff
  • Any follow-up examination required within 14 days
Pet Dental X Ray